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The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends that the first dental visit of the child should be within the first six months of the eruption of first primary tooth to counsel the parents regarding correct oral hygiene and dietary practices of the child.

  • Your child’s teeth can be prevented from cavities by conducting simple preventive dental approaches of Oral prophylaxis, Pit and Fissure Sealants and Fluoride application at an early age.
  • In a case of more severe decay the milk tooth can be saved by Pulp therapies (Pulpotomy or Pulpectomy) followed by a Stainless Steel Crown until its time for them to exfoliate naturally.
  • Those, which cannot be saved by the above mentionedprocedures, can be extracted followed by a Space Maintainers in cases of premature loss of the milk tooth.
  • Prevention of Abnormal Oral Habits (Thumb Sucking, Mouth Breathing, Bruxism ) can be achieved by fabrication of special removable or fixed appliances to intercept development of facial abnormalities.

Curaden is committed to promoting oral health and best practice service from dental clinics for a happier, healthier future.