Dr. Sathya Kallur, a native of Bangalore is well recognized globally as a leader in a specialized dentistry. His passion for the profession has taken form in our Curaden clinic and in spearheading “Next Generation Dental Care Revolution in India”.
He also practices dentistry in New York, New Jersey and at our other Curaden clinic locations. He is one of the few Dentists in the world with dual-formal training in Implant dentistry as well as in Endodontics and superior surgical skills. His alter-ego as an implantologist is built on the frustration and reality that all teeth cannot be salvaged with endodontic surgical intervention. A true academic who believes in sharing the knowledge to all, Dr Sathya Kallur as the Assistant Clinical Professor also teaches post graduate students at New York University and lectures internationally. He is also a contributing editor to the National Board of Dental Examination. Dr. Sathya Kallur was voted as “The Top Dentist” in USA by Consumer Research Council. He absolutely derives his satisfaction from the fact a community approach for improvement of oral health will distill down to the individual level. Trained from some of the best institutions in the world, he renders his services across the globe.